Our life has changed due to modern life style. Modern life style presented non-sleeping problems. Stress is the greater reasons of sleeping problems. Physiologist said when you go to bed you should be free from any type of tension. When we wake after sufficient sleep, a new freshness comes on our face. Sound sleeping removes our whole mental tiredness as well as physical. Sound sleep makes us mentally active. For getting sound sleeping follow some tips:
- Concentrate on your diet
- Avoid excess of tea coffee addiction
- Bed should not be more soft or hard.
- Care one thing fresh our may be came on your bedroom.
- Listing your favorite song it is very helpful in sleeping
- Take regular light exercise or at least morning walk.
- Drink milk before sleeping it is helpful.
- If you are hungry must eat some light food. You can’t sleep hungry and it is harmful for blood pressure patient.
- Books are the friend of sleeping. So read your interesting book.
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