Thursday, August 27, 2009

Drink Lot of Water for Good Health

Water and food is very necessary for our body. We can live without food for some time but can’t live without water. Water is a precious God gift for good health. Water makes up more than two-thirds of the weight of the human body and participates in keeping the body's normal temperature, lubricating our joints, protecting our tissues, and getting rid of body wastes through perspiration and urination. We obtain water by drinking natural water, tea, milk, or eating soups. Water consumption should be increased in hot climates, during/after a physical activity, or affected by fever, diarrhea or vomiting.

Water gives energy to our body. It keeps fresh human body .those people drink lot of water their disease come outside by urine and sweat. So for being healthy drink 10-12 glasses water in summer season and 7-8 glasses in winter. In the condition of vomiting, loose motion and very hot temperature quantity will increase of water.


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