In modern age scientific innovation gives us many facilities. Lift and self waking stairs are also the scientific innovation which gives the human beings very relaxation. Lift is very useful thing for a old and patient. But it is true that excess ness of any thing is very harmful. Who use stairs for up and down? Their weight doesn’t increase and it is useful for health. At the time of up and down on the stairs muscles doing exercise also. At that time person take long breath, so sufficient oxygen goes in to lungs. By the stairs riding digest system become good. Use of stairs is very useful for obesence people. Extra calories spent at the time of stairs riding. So body cannot store the extra fat. It is very good exercise. Those people who can not have time for morning walk by stairs riding they can maintain their health. so if want to be healthy then more use of stairs.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Use Stairs for Health
Posted by
Net Visitor
12:31 AM
Labels: loose weight, stairs benefits, Stairs For Health
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Daily Routine for Loosing Weight
Many hereditary and environmental causes affected the weight increasing problem. With that causes daily routine also affected the weight problem. So there are some tips by which you can decrease your weight easily with out loss of health. From the following suggestion you can apply anyone daily. If you follow more than one that’s benefits increase.
• Make a routine of 3 minutes per hour. It means you must walk for 3 minute in every hour.
• Waking 30 minutes daily with fast step. You can increase or decrease that time according you.
• Walking and jogging for 30 minutes daily turn by turn.
• Rope jumping is also a good exercise.
• Use stairs expect the lift.
Posted by
Net Visitor
11:33 PM
Labels: loose weight, make routine, morningwalk benefit
Monday, September 29, 2008
Eat Chocolate and Be Cheerful
Many women don’t eat chocolate because they think that chocolate have fat and sugar. Mostly say that if you want maintain your weight then you must control on eating chocolate. While according scientist this only on step. According a research it was found that chocolate have that elements which make the mood happy and smiley. These elements increase the blood circulation in mind’s blood cells. So our mood becomes happy. Chocolate also decrease the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. We also care that if our blood pressure is low than we eating a little quantity of chocolate.when we are angry or sad if we want chocolate our mood became happy.when we are angry or sad if we want chocolate our mood became happy.for normal people chocolate is no harmful so they can enjoy with chocolate.It is some harmful for diabetes patient.
Posted by
Net Visitor
11:50 PM
Labels: cheerful, chocolate benefits, eat chocolate
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Cycling as Impotence Cause
Researches say that about three percent of frequent cyclists become impotent, and about all of them felt pain before the problem occurred. When a nerve is pressed or blood supply is stops to the penis, a man feels problem.
If you feel no discomfort when you ride, keep on riding and don't worry else, get a new seat.
Avoid pressure on the arteries that carry blood to the penis. Use a bicycle seat nose to help control the bicycle with legs during race.
Ride a more upright position during normal drive not in race as this increases wind resistance and will slow you down. Change positions often as you ride.
Posted by
Net Visitor
2:41 AM
Labels: cycle seat, cycling, impotence cause, sitting posture
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Take Sufficient Sleep for Fresh Life
Our life has changed due to modern life style. Modern life style presented non-sleeping problems. Stress is the greater reasons of sleeping problems. Physiologist said when you go to bed you should be free from any type of tension. When we wake after sufficient sleep, a new freshness comes on our face. Sound sleeping removes our whole mental tiredness as well as physical. Sound sleep makes us mentally active. For getting sound sleeping follow some tips:
- Concentrate on your diet
- Avoid excess of tea coffee addiction
- Bed should not be more soft or hard.
- Care one thing fresh our may be came on your bedroom.
- Listing your favorite song it is very helpful in sleeping
- Take regular light exercise or at least morning walk.
- Drink milk before sleeping it is helpful.
- If you are hungry must eat some light food. You can’t sleep hungry and it is harmful for blood pressure patient.
- Books are the friend of sleeping. So read your interesting book.
Posted by
Net Visitor
2:53 AM
Labels: rest, sleeping disorder, sound sleeping
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Perfect posture for Good Fitness
In any situation as like in home, classroom study table, computer table or traveling situation, the maintenance of proper posture is very necessary.
Mostly don’t know the sid effect of wrong postures. By wrong postures we suffering from many physical problems postures are two types static and dynamic to have in one situation or position is static postures. As like continuous stand up, sit down etc. the mean of dynamic postures is movement in our activity as like lift any weight, walking racing etc. now, we knowing about some postures that are useful in study table, doing work on computer, watching T.V.
So take care while sitting, lifting weight and doing exercise also to remain in proper posture. While lifting weight put the weight near body center point and take time breaks in long working hours.
Posted by
Net Visitor
7:54 AM
Labels: back bone, back pain, proper posture
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Honey for Diabetics
Honey is good for health in diabetics. According to experts it is also good for health for normal peoples. It is helpful in maintaining insulin ideal level. It is also helpful in curing hypertension, heat and fat like diseases. For sugar and diabetics patients it is important to maintain insulin at ideal level to save them from negative affects of sugar. Honey is good in that case. For diabetics honey is more beneficial than other sweet eatables because it also controls blood sugar.
Posted by
Net Visitor
12:23 AM
Labels: diabetics, health benefits, honey