Snoring always remains for you and your partner too. You become unable to get sound sleep in so much noise and get disturbed with that. Same problem your partner is facing. He/she is not getting good sleep because of you. You may not know even your habit. You can try a lot more tables, surgery or other solutions for that. Or you can just solve this problem with a light exercise.
Actually snoring occurs because of some fat in your nasal chamber means obesity. When you take breath while sleeping that fat try to stop the air and the air makes sound. In surgery doctors removes that fat only to make you comfortable while sleeping. So if you want to save yourself from surgery and get rid of this problem than do below exercise while your daily work and make it your habit.
Take your tongue outside as much long as you can but don't let it press your upper portion of your mouth. Try to press lower portion of your mouth while your tongue outside. You should apply the pressure at the root of your tongue. This exercise can't be on a public place as a habit. So you keep on pressing your throat inside with your neck muscles and it will also be beneficial to get a hard massage on your neck portion.
After that sleep and let others too.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Snoring Solution with Exercise
Posted by
Net Visitor
1:16 AM
Labels: sleeping disorder, snoring exercise, snoring solution, sound sleeping
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Slim Body by Stretched Standing
Have you ever seen a person got slim body only because remains standing for half an hour daily. Yes this can be possible with a special posture. This exercise is also a part of yoga and stretching exercise. In this exercise you have to only stand straight with both of your hands up and to stretch your body upwards as you are trying to touch anything up to you which you are not able to touch.
If you are quite healthy and want this exercise to gain power than you should give more stretch to your body and you are fattier and not interested to give your body more pain than you only just stand in the above posture than see the action of the exercise. When you feel that exercise is not applying the appropriate pressure on your body than work a little more hard with it. Stand on your feet-forefingers and by joining both hands stretch the body.
The other benefit of this exercise is that it will make your body in straight line. It makes your hips and stomach slight inside like to look smarter. In young age in which you can increase your height it also works on that too.
Posted by
Net Visitor
10:57 PM
Labels: health benefits, sim body, stretching exercise
Monday, April 16, 2007
Double Chin Treatment Exercise
Peoples having a big double chin always looks ugly and more fatty as much they are. If the person you are looking looks fatty and not having pleasant personality than he will always rejected everywhere. I also experienced it before some time and tried one of stretch exercise for that. I thought in my mind and tried it for about one week. I was amazed to see the results when everybody told that I look slim as compare to before but still I have same size of my clothes. So I realize that is the effect of that exercise only.
As that exercise comes in the category of stretching so you will have to stretch your neck muscles to remove your double chin. Close your mouth and nasal cavity and suck all the air in your throat with all of your strength. It should show all of your neck muscles outside properly. Means you should press your double chin fat with your neck muscles inside your throat.In this way that fat will definitely be dissolved. And if you want to do quick results than close your lips and throw apart like in the way of flying kiss. Than in the same position move your lips towards left and right side and along with that keeps sucking your muscles inside your throat. This exercise automatically joined with bench press exercise if you remove the hands from back of your neck. If you remove supporting your neck from backside than front muscles of your neck with work to support your neck and you will found your double chin removed along with fat from your stomach.
This will also make your personality better and make you beautiful and smart. I hope you will enjoy and get benefited with this exercise.
Posted by
Net Visitor
12:26 AM
Labels: bench press, double chin exercise, fat neck, throat
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Sitting Exercise for Large Stomach
This is an easy that gives stretching effects on the buttocks and the low back. Some times this termed as Double Knee to Chest Exercise. To do this lay on the floor with head relaxed and hands holding your legs. Then pull your knees up to the chest until your body is in a tight ball and your hips and low back are pealing away from the floor. It helps to grip one of your wrists with the opposite hands to get a maximal stretch. Take care which doing this and do not do this exercise if it causes or increases back or leg pain.
Above exercise is very good and can be done while you are lying on your bed and not having sleep. But it requires a little bit force that has to applying while you stretch your legs towards your chest. Persons having fat on their chest and thighs can feel some problem in doing so there is also a working version of this exercise. In your daily works try steel some time to sit in the position as above but both of your feet on the ground. Both of the images can describe this situation in detail and can be useful.
This sitting exercise looks easy but gives good results but takes time. So we can get good results of it by making it our habit to sit in this situation. It can difficult to some persons but try it by short time periods. Even a little time of tying your lashing by sitting in that position will also be sufficient and difficult to you, and will must work.
Posted by
Net Visitor
4:02 AM
Labels: back exercise, large stomach, leg pain, sitting, stretching exercise, weight loss