Coconut Water is the best option as full of energy and health drink. Coconut Water is not less than any carbonated drink or any other health drink. This is because coconut water contains low amount of fat and even no cholesterol in it.
It is like medicine for the peoples who want to control their obesity and blood pressure related diseases. Coconut Water has less caloric as compare to orange juice. Coconut Water also contains lorric acid which also found in mother’s milk. Coconut Water has more potassium as compare to other quick power giving drinks. It contains 294 mg potassium and other quick power giving drinks contains only 17 mg. it is to be careful that only fresh coconut water is good for health because its nutrients starts loosing their effect after combining with the environment.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Coconut Water Benefits
Posted by
Net Visitor
9:11 AM
Labels: coconut, coconut water, fruits, health benefits, health drink, juice, nutrition
Monday, June 18, 2007
Grapes reduce fat?
This is a proved myth that grapes are useful for reducing extra fat. But the fact is that if grapes are taken before half an hour from your meal than it can be most beneficial. Some experts say that a person should take maximum of 800 calorie diet daily but some says that it should only depend on desire. Grapes don’t contain fat but also they have less quantity of calorie and sodium. It has excess of vitamin c in it. But having less quantity of calorie, protein fiber vitamin and other minerals can makes the diet dangerous. It doesn’t show good effect on health even after loosing weight. Remember that no diet helps in decreasing fat. Coffin in diet increases the metabolism rate but temporarily.Best way of decreasing weight and fat is only to do more physical exercise as much you eat. But don’t do more than your capacity.
Tip: reducing diet can help in weight less is a proved myth. Slim body can only be achieved with body workout and exercises.
Posted by
Net Visitor
9:02 PM
Labels: fruits, grapes, nutrition, weight loss
Friday, June 15, 2007
Breathing Exercise: Yoga for Lungs
Breath Concentration is a technique in Yoga that removes depression, tension and like stress from mind and makes mental health good. Breathing exercise is a technique, which makes you learn to control and concentrate on your breath and make it long and cool. When you take fresh air in more with long breaths it is always good for health, stamina, lungs and other body parts.
Stand straight and keep a little distance between both legs and loose hands downward. Take a deep breath inward and bring hands upward very slowly and then upward at 90o. In this action hands should be straight over the head and the palm should be straight towards front. While going upward chest size should be goes to maximum. Take breath such that stains should come upward with filled air. A similarity is required with breathing and hand moments. Wait for a while and come back with same procedure. Breathing and hand moments should simultaneously. Keep in mind that your body should be straight; no twisting should be in body. This is an exercise for lungs and chest but keep in mind that don’t do this exercise too much, it may cause a pain.
Posted by
Net Visitor
9:42 PM
Labels: breathing, depression treatment, lungs, yoga
Monday, June 4, 2007
Get Fat Less Leg with Light Exercise
Some of body parts of such kind which shows fat on them very much quickly as legs and stomach. Here are given some of exercise techniques able to do easily and in less time which will make you legs healthy and fatless.
Stretch Standing
Stand straight first and than take your right leg behind slowly and put both of your hands on your knees each other putting whole of your body weight on them. Remain in this situation for some time and complete counting up to 10-15 sec. Repeat this with different leg and take care of remain in balance because it can also crate back pain problem if you will lose the balance.
Get results with Angle 90o
Lie on ground or on the exercises mat straight by one of your feet making 90o degree angle supporting with both hands. Remain in this situation for about 5-10 seconds. You can also take help for time with counting method or according to your ease. Repeat the exercise with different leg later.
Hold Legs with Hands
Lie on ground or on exercise mat and make your right leg up in a straight line. Touch your toe with your right hand remaining with straight on back but make you’re on another straight hand. Repeat exercise with different hand and leg. This exercise is also beneficial for calves.
Tips before any Exercise
- Get a warm-up of around 5 minutes before any exercise
- Take a breakup of 1-2 minutes at least but don’t make it long because you have to do warm-up again.
- After completing exercise take your body lying relaxed up to 5 minutes and take long breaths and than finish …
Posted by
Net Visitor
1:58 AM
Labels: exercise tips, hands, legs, loose fat, stretching exercise